
Child Care and Special Needs Education in Nigeria (Vol 1)


Price: ₦ 2050 / $ 6/£ 5 / € 5.5
Editor: Akinola Olabisi
Special needs children’s caregivers must remember to put the Nature
Nurture theory on his/her therapeutic table all the time. The needs of these
children could be more than the regular children and most often they really
are. These extra needs stem from delayed developmental milestones which
leave special needs children quite often on the catching up road.
It is therefore imperative on the caregiver to always be cognizant of child
developmental characteristics in order not to jumpor omit any further step
thereby increasing and compounding the problems of these special needs
children especially in Nigeria where earlier cultural stereotypes had left no
sugary palatables as such for us to continue with until the 1970s per se.
It is true that child care and special needs services ranged from individual
family perspectives to policy developments and designs without implemen-
tation plans.
Adequate needs and needs assessment of these children were
not actually the focus.Therefore, individual ministries, parastatals, organi-
sations and families were solely doing their own things.Sometimes clashes in approach and interpretation of these policies were unavoidable.
Committees designed to be set up by governments to implement these policies failed to come into existence. Responsibilities and duties were duplicated and no specific duties were actually ascribed to any specific ministry or parastatals. As a result, the onus fell mainly on the Ministry of Education.
For over 30 years later, because of the fundamental mistake made by not adequately setting out the implementation blueprint, actual implementation became a problem.
This thirteen chapter book will attempt to lay bare some of the teething problems facing services delivery package for special needs children/youths in Nigeria.


Chapter One:
Special Needs Education in Perspective
Chapter Two:
Inclusive Education: Past, Present and Future
Chapter Three:
Adjustment Needs and Coping Strategies Utilized by People with Special Needs in Okene Metropolis
Chapter Four:
The Millennial Challenges in Behaviourial Assessment and Modification
Chapter Five
The Enhancement of Positive Attitudes Towards Persons with Special Needs in the 21st Century Nigeria
Chapter Six:
Inclusive Education: The Way Forward
Chapter Seven:
Effective and Specific Lesson Planning and Classroom Management
Chapter Eight:
Effective and Specific Lesson Planning and Classroom Management for the Visually Impaired
Chapter Nine:
A Survey of Parents’ Attitudes towards their Handicapped Children in Jos City: Implications for Counselling
Chapter Ten:
Necessary Motivation and Reinforcement for Persons with Special Needs
Chapter Eleven:
Assessment Techniques and Educational Provisions/Management for Persons with Special Needs in Nigeria
Chapter Twelve:
Enhancing Trends in Vocational Rehabilitation for the Success of People with Special Needs
Chapter Thirteen:
ICT in Special Needs Education (Assistive Technology)

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